CSE 101 is the first course in a series of two CSE 100 level Python Programming courses(CSE 101, CSE 102) that are designed to to provide
an introduction to the language as well as basic programming techniques. It is aimed for younger
students (4th to 8th grade) who want to get a start into programming.
No prior programming experience required.
The following topics will be covered in CSE 101 Python Programming I: (7 weeks)
1. Primitive data types, printing
2. Arithmetic (modulus included)
3. String manipulation
5. Introduction to modules (Math, Time)
6. Printing with formatting and user input
8. Conditionals (if, elif, else)
9. Loops (while, for)
Prerequisites: Basic Math concepts and knowledges such as basic arithmetic operation, remainder, comparison of integers.
Equipment: iMac 21.5 Inch All-in-one Desktop Computers are provided.
Online Registration Guide:
Step 1: Pay tuition fee online on the right side with the student's name
Step 2: Click
here to fill the class registration form online
Offline Registration Guide:
Step 1: Make an appointment by calling 206-787-2259 or sending an email to qa@smartcodingschool.com
Step 2: Fill in the registration form in the office
Step 3: Pay tuition fee in the office
Schedule A
Duration: 7 weeks (NO class on 2/19)
Time: SUN 01:00PM - 02:30PM
Lecture Schedule: 02/05 - 03/26
Location: 13343 NE Bel-Red Rd Building C Unit 210, Bellevue, WA 98005
Enrollment Deadline: 02/05/2023
Refund Policy:
One week prior to the start date of the class you registered:
1. 100% refund if you pay cash and provide the receipt.
2. 90% refund if you pay with Paypal/cards due to new banking policy starting at May 7th, 2019.
Less than one week prior to the start date of class you registered:
90% refund regardless of payment methods.
After the class starts: (regardless of payment methods)
70% Refund after the first class.
50% Refund after the second class.
No refund after the third class.